Wednesday, August 1, 2007


English 11 Independent Study Project/Semester 1 Exam


About the Project/Exam
The semester exam is a presentation of an independent study project. Each student will select a topic of interest in the American Experience. The project will be due one week before the end of the semester. The exam portion is due on your presentation day.
This project will be presented during exams (may also have to begin sooner). Students may begin this project as early as they wish. Save your project on your H:/ drive and on a jump drive or CD for a backup. We will draw numbers for presentation order. Even if you present earlier than exam day, you are required to be present on exam day.
Students who choose to exempt the exam, must still complete the project; they simply won't present it to the class. See the calendar for exact due date.
*Hogue's Classes: 2006: If you are exempting the exam, you will still need to complete the semester project which will include the following:
major players
3-5 literary works
personal reflection
works cited
cover page

The project consists of the following:
an overview of your topic (750-1,000 words); this part is typed and handed in. Put a summary on your PP or Web. Use the skills you learned in English 10 with your research paper. Cite borrowed material in the textof your overview. See your Skills and Style Handbook for more on how to do this. This paper is to be written in 3rd person only.
Follow the guidelines below for how to develop the overview:
Introduction (1 paragraph)
Then one of the following:
Define the idea/event (who, what, when, where, why and how) (2-3 paragraphs)
Some important facts, things everyone should know (2-3 paragraphs)
What was the effect of the idea/event on society--how did it impact people's lives? What changes in behavior or attitudes resulted. Think about the effect on ordinary people. (1-2 paragraphs)
Address one to three of the following as is most appropriate for your topic (2-4 paragraphs):
impact on technology/medicine/science
impact politically, both US and world politics (look at changes in law, at important Supreme Court cases, etc.)
impact on entertainment/the arts (look for shifts, trendsetters, etc.)
impact on economy
impact on education (look for significant change, shifts in ideology, structure, etc.
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
a timeline of major events (that you create, not taken from elsewhere); 10-12 events needed
a list of major players. Who was important and why; you should have 3-5 and you need to explain who each one is and why he/she is important.
an annotated bibliography (list) of 3-5 literary works on this topic (any genre); Hint: do an Internet search for novels (fictional books), memoirs, or movies on your topic. The list must be in alphabetical order. Use MLA style for each citation. You need to annotate or give a little summary of each work (about 30 words); tell what it's about. Use the adults in your life as resources for finding these titles if you're having trouble.
images as appropriate are required (images related to theme, of major players, etc. are good choices)
extras: images, cartoons, maps, quotations, facsimiles, other artifacts, or anything that helps us understand your topic. You have to explain anything you use in your presentation. Top presentations will have some extras.
a personal reflection (200-300 words) about what you learned and what was most interesting/important about your research experience. Can you relate what you learned to your own experience in any way? How does what you researched affect your life? This document is to be typed and handed in with your overview. Use first person point of view for this part only.
a works cited page (three sources are required); this document is handed in with your overview.
Sources not allowed: encyclopedia, U.S. History textbooks, student-made web sites.
Each student must research his or her own topic; no topics may be repeated.
Arrange items to be handed in this way:
Title page

Overview (does not need your name, etc.), but it should say Overview at the top
Personal Reflection (does not need your name, etc.), but it should say Personal Reflection at the top
Works Cited (does not need your name, etc.), but it should say Works Cited at the top.
Staple all together and hand in on date due.
PowerPoint / Web Site Specifications (What goes on your PP or Web from the list above)
a title page
a bulleted summary of your overview
your timeline
major players (include pictures if you can)
your literary works (explain each)
a summary of your personal reflection
your works cited
images as appropriate
the design of the visual presentation must be appropriate in tone for the topic
keep it "readable"
run it from H:/ drive and/or jump drive
Making your presentation the best it can be:
Your presentation should be timed and should not go over eight minutes. It should be no shorter than five minutes.
The items above can be organized and arranged in any order you think is effective.
Present yourself confidently. (Practice is recommended).
DO NOT simply read from your slides.
DO use note cards if you like.
Pause and use transitions to move from one topic to another.
Note about plagiarism: any section of your project that is plagiarized earns no credit and significant use of another's' work could result in no points at all for your project.
Choosing a topic
Choose something you are interested in. You could do a general Internet search/encyclopedia search to find some basic information to see if it looks like something you will enjoy researching.

Suggested topics:
Early colonial life
Theocracy in America
Salem Witch Trials
Revolutionary War
The Continental Congress
Indian Wars
Newspapers in Democracy
Women in Slavery
The Transcendentalist movement
The Civil War
The Underground Railroad
Westward Expansion
The Oregon Trail
The Gold Rush
Indian Removal
Pioneer Life
Women's Suffrage
The Gilded Age
The Industrial Revolution
Immigrants and poverty (Industrialization and Urbanization, 1860-1920, approx.)
Immigrant Woman
Labor unions
Migrant Farm Workers
World War I
The Roaring Twenties
Segregation/Jim Crow
Prohibition and Organized Crime
The Great Depression
World War II
The Atomic Bomb
The New Deal
The Civil Rights Movement
The Cold War
The Space Race
Vietnam War
Affirmative Action
Women's Rights Movement(this would be post 19th Amendment)
Suggest your own topic

Helpful Sites: (as you research, if you find others, please give me the url and I will include them here.
History Matters
PBS: American Experience
Digital History (superb site!)

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